Are you sure about what you said ?
I don't see anything about the coming of the game, no in the last dev-chat and no on the last interviews.Can you give your source plz? the last date I have is April-May-June.
I know than we'll can build some habitations but not on the begining.And I don't know where we'll can do it But we'LL CAN do it after
First, the habitation will be for the guild only, and you will begin the game with a little house for you in yo…
No no ! I'm sure ^^. You can get this information on the last dev-chat.
This dev-chat is on the official site
you can get it in english if you prefer.
in french :
Q: A quoi ressemblera la fi…
the map will look like a real earth, by the form and the size (a globe, with + 40 000 km²).It will be possible to deep, climb ... we'll see some city underwater...
We will one capital by race (one for the feary light, and one for feary dark ...).I…
Ok thanks a lot.
For answer the kestion about the map, normaly they won't have a map with the game, because we have to discover the world by ourself. And in one of the dev-chat I see than it will have Map In Game, not IRL.
Hi ! I see on the last dev-chat, than the game will coming soon on the 2nd quart of 2004, so I think between June and August. But it's probably !
But just a question, what is for you the "Gold Version" ?
See you soon