Riotact007 said:
I'm madly looking for a decent game to play and have been looking at MasterXMaster so it would be great to win!
Riotact007 said:
I'm madly looking for a decent game to play and have been looking at MasterXMaster…
Phry said:
Dragnelus said:
Found this on reddit lol! Lover or hater, this will make you laugh or put a smile atleast :P
The biggest problem i have with that video, is that it is believable O.o
haha this is so amazing d…
Albatroes said:
Unfortunately, it'll mostlikely be another game released and shut down within a year, just like we had last year with 4-5 at least.
laserit said:
I find the thread in question kind of humorous and depressing at the same time.
laserit said:
I find the thread in question kind of humorous and depressing at the same time.
yes I agree with u
H0urg1ass said:
I don't know if it's intentional or not, but I'm not seeing any Staff entries such as reviews, columns or other posts in the "recent discussion" section of the forums.
This section is pretty much where I spend most of my time…