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  • sounds interesting and i may consider it. what server are you currently on? as far as i can see your rules seem well thought out and so on. Just out of interest how many members do you currently have and when will you be actually making the guild?
  • In rf online with no crafters there would be a lot of problems to say the least. Crafters on RF can make Ammo Armors Weapons and so on. The ammo made by crafting can do a lot more dmg than normal ammo and higher level armor doesnt seem to drop too…
  • Playing this game for only a few days is not enough to judge it. Personally the pvp after level30 is very fun.the wars are insane at times and take a lot of stratergy to win (or just outnumbering ur opponents by a large majority but this aint happ…
  • the game aint intersting untill you hit 25. lvl25 can be achieved in a couple of days with relitive ease. i suggest if any1 wants to see what the games really like they get level 30 at the least then judge it.
  • comments like the chuck norris crap says it all. the game is not a mindless grind if played properly. the graphics are not at all bad compared with some mmo's either. no economy? the games been going a week wtf u expect? as for the party/groupin…
  • the loss of exp is rather random u can lose no exp or lots personally the most ive lost is 11% in 1 death at level 32 and that takes a good bit of hunrting to get back. also remember you donot drop items ect when you die. i think losing exp on…