ahh, but like I said in the message.. either way, they should not have been telling a new person their frustrations with certain elements of the game. Second, anyone who has the slightest understanding of customer relations would not have posted a m…
It's nothing like earth and beyond... it is actually a very barren game with mostly a click group of folks that play.. they can be initially helpful, but you will find that they quickly get annoyed with questions as they seem quite happy with the li…
i am very much in the same boat.. except I got an added bonus... I guess you can read this any way you like, but either way it should not have been sent to me this way. So yea, I forgot to say my pilot name. big deal. I was annoyed when I was writin…
To be honest, the game is quite fun until you reach level 55-60 (60 max currently). then you might do what I did and find yourself standing in an open field, bored out of your skull. Eventually,you will be left with the option of boredom, or groupin…