Yeah although i work/worked on the game it seems that it has gone down the drain. Now about stuff being stolen from other people that i dont know about. As for me i was the writer for the game (and basicly made up all the info. weapons, races, ect.…
Well if i could use a mmorpg that is still in development id say my favorite mmorpg is navarea online (because im one of the developers) other than that id say runescape because i have crapy internet and cant play any other mmorpgs without major lag.
Well as Cheezermega said, welcome to the navarea online fourm and if you need to know anything about the game or lore of the game you can ask me or Cheezer.
all i have herd about this game is just stuff i have herd about other mmorpgs along with competition with blizzard which is totaly pointless considiring their mmorpg is alot like others that you can play. I havnt seen anything different from this mm…
i dont see whats so great about this game as far as i can tell it doesnt offer anything that different than other mmorpgs it just has good graphics so basicly its like runescape woth good graphics and the map loks like a messed up version of europe.
well the reason i want to know some of the things people want in a mmorpg is because im a designer for a mmorpg and we are trying to make tons a new stuff that people want and we have lots iof ideas (just ask if you want to know some) but we dont wa…
well since you have determind that all mmorpgs that are coming out are all the same i have a question for you and that is what do you think mmorpgs could make better or make somthings new or what you want new in mmorpgs?
the reason MMORPG's take so long to make is all the stuff that goes into them. Some of the developers cant even do their jobs because another group has to finsih their part before they start like modlers and concept artist, the modlers need the conc…
Well if your wanting somthing along the lines of the game not just being good or evil when it comes to factions the game im working on ,Navareaonline, might be what your looking for. It splits the 16 races in the game into 4 factions which fight eac…
Yes its going to be free. me and cheezer were talking aobut it today about making fun of the people who said we wanted to make a quick buck we were joking wondering if they could understand what the word free ment.
hehehe yeah thats the funny thing, i suck with grammer and whats more funny is for the game im the writter. even though i have bad grammer i write awsome stories just they have really bad grammer. Also i have more errors typing. Something kinda funn…
We are not in this to make a quick buck im mean come on like you said we are teenagers we dont have to work at all. Navareaonline is actuly more of a dream me and everyone on the original design team had which was to mkae a mmorpg. Me personaly i ha…
Navarea online is a in the works mmorpg being made by cheezersoft. As to the info on the site right now the site is really messed up the head is working on getting it organized.
well from reading all these post aboutt why people get bored from mmorpgs it has really helped me out in not only decideing what kind of mmorpg to play but also what kind of stuff to put in the mmorpg that im working on as a staff member of cheezers…
ill take the and your only 15 part as a compliment but it would be helpful if you told me what was wrong with the weapons and armor the rest is unfinished.
hehe yeah we make fun of the other mmorpgs in the making who have to beg for help with everything. For example winterstwighlight they cant do a thing on their own they had to hire some one to design their site, make their models and held a "weapon d…
Navarea online rocks because it has 16 races with their each personal mounts, 4 factions, 29 differen classes, its own language that is easy to learn, and actual story line im still writting over 600 weapons good graphics awsome prophecy and we are …