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  • Personally, I like the way the EQII is doing this.  For any particular "Raid" Zone they Almost always have a Group version of this and even a Solo instance in alot of cases.  The "Raid" Zone will always (Everytime I have went on them) have atleas…
  • I was about to say "Personally" I'm not a big fan of historical or Real event MMO's but by the time I finished the article I saw the Pirate of the Burning Sea which seems to me has a great chance to succeed.  As for most games in this Sub-Genre I wo…
  • Thark you know your right on that How many time have I heard these coments Said even in this thread. "I Don't Like these quest take my money to the bank or kill 5 bears" Type responces Common people those are like level 5-8 Quests. Seriously…
  • Another game that I have played.  But this is all stuff that a 10 year old with some logic could of figured out... if not younger... they did something that cause a whole lot of disagreements with there current population to get new players to try i…
  • Don't get me wrong I do like how EVE has built the PvP Engine. On the first Key factors EVE does it to a point with Target of Larger weapons (For those who don't know the bigger your ship and the bigger the weapons the less likly you will hit smal…
  • Originally posted by Sovrath Ultimately, pvp must be meaningful for the specific player involved. A player must have the choice whether or not to participate. Because of this, games need to incorporate 2 types of servers: Open pvp for the more har…