Personally, I like the way the EQII is doing this. For any particular "Raid" Zone they Almost always have a Group version of this and even a Solo instance in alot of cases.
The "Raid" Zone will always (Everytime I have went on them) have atleas…
I was about to say "Personally" I'm not a big fan of historical or Real event MMO's but by the time I finished the article I saw the Pirate of the Burning Sea which seems to me has a great chance to succeed. As for most games in this Sub-Genre I wo…
Thark you know your right on that
How many time have I heard these coments Said even in this thread.
"I Don't Like these quest take my money to the bank or kill 5 bears" Type responces
Common people those are like level 5-8 Quests.
Another game that I have played. But this is all stuff that a 10 year old with some logic could of figured out... if not younger... they did something that cause a whole lot of disagreements with there current population to get new players to try i…
Don't get me wrong I do like how EVE has built the PvP Engine.
On the first Key factors EVE does it to a point with Target of Larger weapons (For those who don't know the bigger your ship and the bigger the weapons the less likly you will hit smal…
Originally posted by Sovrath
Ultimately, pvp must be meaningful for the specific player involved.
A player must have the choice whether or not to participate. Because of this, games need to incorporate 2 types of servers: Open pvp for the more har…