I have an avid interes in storytelling, so i've ended up writing and producing movies. I've had a lucky head start in my career and it takes games like Heroes Journey and LineageII to inspire ideas for the stories that i write. I love the look of Heroes Journey and cant wait to play it.
Yeah, You guys rock... in fact I am not touching a single mmporg game until this one comes out....
My belief is that if I get enough work done before it comes out I can spend enough time on it when it comes out... almost considering it as a holida…
I certainly feel that items should make a difference, but not one of major significance...(Like in L2 for example). I like the idea of designing your clothes, weapons etc, but ...ahh i don't really know what i need to ask as i simply want to have a…
My personal opinion on pvp is that people get too wound up about online ganking fools. It happens, boys will be boys and well...(gotta be PC) girls will be girls. It seems that there are serious risks in this game if you are a ganker and just want t…
Hey there, Im a Lineage II player who greatly sympathises with this particular topic.
There is nothing more boring than toodling around an online world, after spending months even years levelling a character up to a decent standard only to find t…