Originally posted by Tyilin
Just to throw in a thought (ahh and i dont agree with a company doing this but its not unheard of)
AFAIK things were looking much better for Nevrax, they had just moved their servers with jolt and subscriptions are up, …
I meant more this
[quote]The game is most definitely a lot of fun at first, but beyond the 1-2
month mark, it starts to be a bit repetitive. At least it was to me.[/quote]
then the politness of the staff, who were always great. I actually found th…
I am not surprised. I went and read the thread at Ryzom official and it is still full of the rabid fanboi-ness that is so well known for. I made a post a while back; either here or at Ryzom, where I predicted the game (or the company) would be sold …
I agree with a couple of the other posters here, but not in actual content. I think it is a good thing that players who enjoy a game come here and talk about it and a good thing that players who didn't enjoy it, or left for whatever reason also come…