Pet classes work, Final Fantasy XI is proof of that. You just have lazy developers. XI is 20 years old, and they nailed it for the most part.
XIV, the current fad mmo can't seem to nail did your older bro do it? You had the blueprint.
Broken record, I could never truly get into XIV because it feels like a watered down version of XI.
Old MMO like XI had a sense of danger; if you get aggroed by a tougher enemy, 9/10....Its over lol. In XI, many players would actually form relatio…
Take away the Final Fantasy IP, this game would be a C tier mmo.
All MMO are flawed, but SE ones get away worth alot, due to the IP. XI is my favorite game ever, but the flaws and reasoning they gave back in the day for not fixing them would n…
Did the Lifetime Subscription in Champions Online. Even though I do not play it as much, still feel I am getting my bang for my buck; since I can earn stripend every month, while already surpassing the sub fee when I played regularly. .
FFXI's world is, and has always been dangerous. Other mmo don't feel that way; you are not outrunning a tiger in FFXI. In other mmo, you could just do that.....
Daybreak being behind it concerns me.
That DCUO mmo is so-so.....Could be better.
And they somehow killed
The Marvel MMO has been in the spin cycle for ages....back when MS and Cryptic were making one, CO was allegedly a M…
Lost Ark is the best MMO out at this moment.
I had my doubts, thought Ark was going the way of kuf2 years back.
MMO tend to have crappy combat...Snoring boring; LA keeps you on edge.
Maybe this mmo can finally pull me away from dated A$$ FFXI.
Great game, but dated.
Great, deep combat keeps me coming back since 2004. I am more interested in the combat, because every non-action mmo on the market's combat is snoring bor…