In school, and currently awaiting beta of Lineage II, gonna be the shizzlenit, lol, but yeah, big into mmorpg''s. Played a few i didnt like and played a few i did. SWG suxx big kahunas, lol.
I've read through all of these posts, and believe me, it took a while, and I havent yet seen what the problem is. Sure, regions of private areas are shown on the characters but it's not like the game designers actually make the characters nipples an…
IDK if age would really be a good thing in a game, but being able to pick the age you would be throughout the game and your size and certain abilities would pertain to your age would definitely be a breakthrough in MMO's. For example, a 12 year old…
I've never played Lineage or Beta for Lineage 2, although i've preordered it and am ready to beta, but put it this way, Lineage is the largest MMORPG in the world. It's 4 times as large as EQ and FFXI put together. Do you know how many people play L…