Aion does look awesome but I'm saving that for last because it has the most potential for me just based off the videos. Keeping the best (hopefully) for last.
Awesome, I'll start with the F2P ones first. I know it's a weird question (even I'm weirded by it) but it's still a legit one.
Thank you all for the list! I'm still open for more suggestions.
2moons for non-American versions is called Dekaron I believe. If you are looking for awesome looking time killer, it's on the top of the list IMO. Be prepared to grind...a lot...
Another three to look at.
I actually played a trial of EQ2 awhile ago but I forgot that I even did. I'll try it out again. I'll look at DR and W101 also.
Thank you for even more suggestions, I'm sure I'll find one soon. :P
ooo more suggestions.
Thank you both. I'm liking this list I'll be going through tomorrow. Right now I'm probably going to head to bed. Don't be discouraged to add more opinions people! Hopefully my LFGame topic will help other if they are looking…
Thinking about coming back to CoX (WoW is getting stale), would love to get a trial before I decide to leap back into CoX.
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Thank you if you send me one, I will appreciate it.