As I see it, its probably going to attract the warhammer fanbase. old smelly balding men who live for warhammer tournaments on sundays and take it way too seriously. THATS what im worried about.
I'm looking forward to seeing if they get some spears/polearms that function differently from regular weapons and attack a little more differently than most games make them.
I'd go with warhammer, I've just played it longer and gotten more into it because of that I think. Theres a lot of parallels between the two that I've noticed though. Eldar and elves? Orcs? Chaos? Dwarves and those motorcycle midgets they had in sec…
a few years ago i started and orc & goblin, i had played 40k before and always liked orcs, so when i went fantasy it was either them or brettonia, went orc, i love how they're just inherently badass on every level and theres millions of the bugg…