www.aspereta.com it is still under constuction. looks like a verey good game. a very fun and unlimited things to do 2d mmorpg is www.nexustk.com .try it out and take a look at aspereta's site
i like kindom of the winds better. i tried them both and nexus tk just stuck with me. i still play it. but the person above me is right, it just depends on what you like. i am not sure but i think more people play nexus tk but i could be wrong
a good free mmorpg is going to be www.planeshift.com the graphics are way better than any other free game out there. i am not sure when it will be released but check out the site anyway
a good anime type mmorpg is www.nexustk.com there is fighting and all that but there is a lot of other stuff like poetry and you can pick from a lot of different faces for you character. you can try the free trail. anyway is might not meet your exp…