It's hard for me to stick with one game for over a few months. Heck the ones I stick to I take extremely long hiatus in. Ten years? Even if a game was that amazing I wouldn't be able to continuously keep with it, though I'd probably come back to it …
In most versions it's F2P with a cash shop but I believe for NA/Europe version(Sword of the New World) it'll be one time pay for the game, sort of like Guild Wars. Not totally sure about that though, my apologies.
The community isn't too bad but the game gets horribly grindy and repetitive pretty early. It's a hassle to get to level 35 even. Not a lot of stuff in it yet too, it's basically just kill monsters, level up, kill more monsters. Partying doesn't mak…
Good luck to everyone trying to get a Beta Key xD. Checking around constantly for one, hope gets a good amount. They should get quite a few I think.