I'm playing on Lakshmi, and there's plenty of people on. At prime times, 2500-4000. The least Iv'e seen on is around 1500, but that was right after a patch. There's alwyas parties in the dunes, and at low levels I get lots of invites, whether it be…
Before you start on your way to Valkrum Dunes, make sure you have up to date gear, and have things for sale in the auction house. If you have good gear, you're more likley to get in a party. Make sure you have stuff for sale in the AH (most likely c…
If your mouse has a scroll wheel, clicking it gives you the main menu as well. I'm on a laptop as well, and that's usually what I use to access the main menu.
If your mouse has a scroll wheel, clicking it gives you the main menu as well. I'm on a laptop as well, and that's usually what I use to access the main menu.