Originally posted by reavo
There, my innovation "debunking" has been undebunked (I hope). lol. See my comment above for details.
And I don't play EQ for the graphics. I play it cuz it's fun. I love the character development, the number of …
Originally posted by reavo
Okay, innovative things in Everquest 2.
-- Quests that engage you in the environment and atmosphere of the game. Example, quests that get you to collect parts of monsters and study them to learn more about each creatur…
Originally posted by reavo
You're bio says you're 42.
If you can't handle a discussion at that age then you need to "get a life".
Why post on a discussion forum if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you?
I don't think EQ sucks. I've…
you've made a valid point in WoW as "Where's the war?", but you have to remember the griefers. If it were true to Warcraft, there'd be anarchy. People snipe all over the place and some get easilly frustrated by dying to a griefer. Eventually, onl…
EQ by a long shot.
I was an avid gamer and knew nothing of MMOs. Friends convinced me to buy EQ and I still to this day do not know what kind of dope they were smoking. The graphics were horrid on the original and I wasn't about to buy an expans…