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  • Wow bro, thats pretty amazing. Thanks for the pix too! I might try that. And it doesn't look that big like other cpu heatsink fans. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the info, but I don't think I'm going into CrossfireX... unless I change my mind later in the future. But atm, I'm quite satisfy with it. So with your previous post, what did you mean by having 2 fans? doesn't it just have one fan that co…
  • That was the one I was looking at earlier on newegg, the CORSAIR Cooling Hydro Series H50. So do you recommend it?   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181010
  • Completed my build:   Motherboard: Asus P6TSE LGA1366/ Intel X58/ DDR3/ CrossFireX/ A&GbE/ ATX Motherboard   CPU: Intel Core i7 Processor i7-920 2.66GHz 8MB LGA1366 CPU   Video Card: Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5850   Power Supply: Cor…
  • Wow, thats fricken BadA$$.   So is overclocking bad or good? How does that work? And how far can I overclock my PC?
  • I thank you for giving me some great suggestions! After reading your post....   Its a bit too late to wait on my CPU and Motherboard cause I've already bought them. As for memory, don't it have to match my motherboard which is DDR3 1333?  C…
  • Wow, I'm loving all the replies! Thanks guys! For the updates:   -I'm switching my video card "VisionTek" to "Sapphire" HD 5850 just cause.... there's not much info on VisionTek unless someone have had one before and wants to help convince me…
  • So how's my memory? Should I change brand? Whats a better brand?
  • Thats true, I saw those reviews as well. What type of PSU do you recommend? Or Brand?
  • I was looking at reviews for Diamond, Sapphire, Asus, and VisonTek video cards and I've read some really good reviews on VisionTek while Sapphire has gotten some bad ones. So I thought I'll give VisionTek a try. And for my PowerSupply; 900 is too mu…
  • FFXI's control are by far the best I've used. I hate the point and click...also hate WSAD control. Its some what similiar but using arrow keys and numpad has been easier to use. You'll get use to it and you'll find out its a lot easier once you do.
  • Yea, it's going pretty bad with RMT and third-party tools. Serve those RMT though!. Hope it gets better. Although they will lose alot of online players, it's for the future and hope people who got banned learned some lessons. I"m not saying all of t…