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  • LOL i was a fan of everything starwars i love the swg-pcu was the best game out there and still the best game but not anymore and no they will never bring it back though i also wish they would. i play wow and it sucks but its not beter then the now …
  • Hey just to clear up, You mean a Crafter, Jedi and a BH? if so then ya, but if not You can have two charactor per server now, and that existing 3 charactors on the server, Pre-nge, then you can keep your 3rd guy on that server. But don't Blame SOE, …
  • Oh and one more thing wow brought  alot more people into the online gaming mmporg world, but a lot became bored, that is where swg would have made their killing so i guess blizz should thank soe for that one
  • swg-pcu was a game before its time evan to this day there isn't a game out there that can match it. I hope SOE and sony for that mater go bankrupt i won't buy anything sony because of what they did to swg you spend 2 years grinding out a jedi and ha…
  • Classic swgyou mean like it was pre-cu right. P.S. All i want for xmas is swg pre-cu
  • I havn't played gw yet just reading on it but just wanted to say something on tetris the blocks are the same speed above 19 as they are at 19. LOL but also the fact of beating a game like swg,wow or i would think gw and gwf imposable becasue there i…
  • Im also a pre-cu swg  and went to wow and im playing there now but its so boring now same old stuff wondering if gw or gwf is better thinking of buying gw first then if i like it geting gwf because from what i read you can move your gw to gwf later …
  • I think Starwars Galaxies will be the next best think as soon as SOE gets out and they can make it back to the pre-cu it was the best online game made as of yet i would drop wow the day it starts pre-cu