Currently, I played eudemonsonline and I am vampire.
Watching this video from youtobe.
I think the game may lose its balance. Cause, it seems that it's stronger than me,(vampire)
I like the skills of v…
No, I haven't played the new class. Maybe I will in the near future. I just know something about new class necromancer in Eudemons Online. That sytle of necromancer looks well. Um...I played vampire before, cause I love vampire. Now, I am confused i…
woow...yeapp...that sounds awesome. Did you play necromaner in that mmorpg game? Could you tell me more about it?
It's said that the necromancer has a very nice-looking appearance. haha...I think I will fall in love with her.
It means I will cr…
lol...that's funny. XD But I think I prefer killing nstead of being healed. haha...
Thats' the reason why I choose warrior or vampire as my class. It's seems that necromancer that have the physical attack and magical attack. lol...out of my expecti…
um...what if the summoner pk warrior or vampire. or PK among all classes...among all game servers. XD
I just can't imagine what will happen. How crazy thing it will be.
Summoner/mage good at magical attack, endowed with healing skill, controling…
yeappp....I love controller too. Generally speaking, the controller should be the mage. XD
that's really awsome...Big love.
Do you know necromancer? It seems that necromancer will be a very very good contronller in mmorpg.
i play this game since 2008, dunno why ppl hates it so much. as far as i see, TQ is trying to make their game better, they keep updating to make game alive. and for the bulk stuff, that is the most ridiculous thing that i have ever heared, nobody fo…