Originally posted by Ciredric
Yeah a great developer that has zero experience building a MMO, I can see that working well. There is a huge difference between RTS games and MMO games as THQ will find out.
Remember they had to boot the prior dev b…
I'm in beta and I agree! This game is great! I personally think the overall rating should be switched since Wow is a little better. Great review and keep it up!
Video games and MMOs are fun, but I don't think having the uber gear that you spend hours getting is anything to be proud of. It probably makes people a bigger target for those who don't play video games 10 hours a day. Let those people be proud and…
Well, I have a game that is pretty much a perfect MMORPG except that its 1 player:
You can do whatever you want, and there is a ton of content.
Have you ever even been on the forums? This game mayy not be the most popular but I expect it to be running for a long time. It will be made up of many rpers. Anyways don't judge a game before it comes out and you play it.
See the rest of you …