Game is not worth buying for one very simple reason - if you wait a few months you'll probably be able to play it for free and not be one of the initial suckers that dished out money for it. There is absolutely no way this game will be financially v…
Honestly, I've been trying to see how much it would cost me to have things that I consider absolutely crucial for playing the game comfortably. IMO you can play the first 50 levels with different classes quite comforatbly for a very low entry price.…
I remember in Vanilla WoW days we camped out Azuregos and there were 4 raids forming and just as many coming in from Alliance side. 200 people fighting + a huge dragon in the midst - the greatest moments in my gaming history by far.
Seems to me that hose that do not agree with the review mostly do not care much for Tolkien lore and are saying things like - I have all this in WoW why should I be paying any attention to this game. Maybe Turbine tried too hard to make this game as…