Well basically im a 26 year old dude that likes playing lot of computer games and always open to new ones. Unfortunatly i dont have a game i really enjoy a lot at the moment
Well i have been playing KO for almost 4 years now and after playing 10 or more diffrent games better then Ko, i still have to admit it has the best PVP out there with massive amount of people coming together with crazy skills is just the best i hav…
Yeah im from Turkey but i live in america and i played KO for quiet a while and yes even for me turkish people can get very annoying with their swearing and begging all the time but i also know a lot of people in Turkey that are very nice and friend…
ok if you want to speed up your download just download free download manager. i think they had a link to it on the KO site but if not google it. It seriously cuts the time in half and you can pause and continue the download anytime . It is also usef…
ok this game is only as good as Any game on addictinggames.com lol. its a 2 or 3 d(i cant even tell), side scrooling game where you kill mushrooms i mean cmon actually it might be a good game for like 7 or 8 years olds.
i have to admit i did p…
its not the best game i ever played but it can easily be enjoyable for a month or so or even longer if you can survive the massive amount of grinding and killing the same thing over and over. It is actually an ok game if you get better at it.
well you don't necesseraly have to grind really hard and not have any fun at all.You can still have fun while leveling up but if you want to have fun in the future then you must grind and do a lot of boring quests like any other or most mmorpgs