I really don't care about the "when", this is already looking like the game i used to dream about with my friends 15 years ago. I already thought that this kind of stuff wouldn't ever be possible and there it is... at this point they can take all th…
Yeah i'm following the story, what i wrote doesn't make a great amount of sense obviously, i was just suggesting an alternative as absurd as his solution.
What i'm saying is if this was a crusade for justice and clarity for the sake of everyone…
If he's so worried about the state of the project why not just give RSI that 1M to help the development in exchange for a look at what's going on from the beginning before raising all this mess? -_- it's so obvious what he's doing that it hurts my b…
Originally posted by Doomedfox
Originally posted by Alders
Originally posted by Styles755
Originally posted by jpnz
The biggest question I have is 'will console and pc share the same servers?'
With the amount of groun…
Ok then give it a try cause it's all about exploration, random events and quests you got involved cause you where just passing by maybe, and everytime it's up to you to chose how to go on. It's really involving if you like the post apocaliptic scena…
Have you never tried the new Fallout? (bethesda one)
I love to explore a lot too and i've never found an mmo wich allow that, generally they have a few areas if you are low level, other areas if you have more than few level ecc ecc.