I have played hundreds of matches in the hunger dome. The potential is real, it is still in pre alpha and I fully expect many things to change. Combat is not perfect and has tons of room for improvement, BUT, it has a solid foundation to work from…
Originally posted by knightofblackvalor Originally posted by JayFiveAlive
What better PvP alternatives are there? What in particular is bad about Crowfall's PvP that you didn't like when you tried it? Do tell!
Idk I think it will be another fu…
Originally posted by Larvae
Deleted OP account doesn't inspire confidence. My wallet still hurts from the Wushu rape. I'll give this one a pass.
They are using a sands of time model for payment. This will not be a pay to win game. I am/was the …
It is a sandbox and there is plenty to do. Crafting is just one aspect. I have been looking forward to this game for quite some time.....No that it is here, It seems pretty old school to me.
well being the first level 75 WC on the server I play on, Ill share my thoughts. L2 is a grindfest. The seiges and other things in end game are quite boring as well. PVP is about Blessed soe's and who botted thier level up. The company dont care…
Ya, I am interested in same two games. I fear that darkfall will take forever to release. I am discourgaged by the grind in rf online. I play lineage 2 right now and another grind game may depress me severely.
Anyway take a look at vangard …