If they keep it small in scope like Albion Online then sure. Otherwise it's too big of an endeavor in an industry where fan expectations are already extremely high.
I'd like to see this game be released as any sandbox game is a welcome addition to the ecosystem. I just worry that fan engagement seems to be a bit waning and the excitement over this upcoming test is far less than it's predecessor in 2021. It feel…
It's interesting to see so much anti-studio sentiment erupt this last decade. Whether it's Bioware, Bethesda, EA, Blizzard or Ubisoft to name a few. Usually the remarks include the team isn't what it used to be, all the real talent has gone, etc.
Dragon Age Inquisition scored in the 6 range on metacritic from fans yet sold over 12mil copies. It's almost as if most people don't worry about a few hundred/thousand fans on metacritic think.
I would just chalk it up to more things competing for our attention. The online/media landscape is unrecognizable from 2004 when WoW arrived. Cell phones were just for phone calls. Virtually no social media / no streaming services, etc.
Well never count out Bioware and RPG games. Anthem was a different animal so I only knock their Mass Effect Andromenda misstep (which wasn't even that horrible).
I loved the first few months of AA. It has a sense of awe and wonderment that I have not experienced since UO.
Even if I can get a few months of that experience in AA2 before it becomes more monetized I'll be quite content.
It's rare to …
Despite being disappointed by previous iterations I really believed BF2042 was going to be amazing and was let down at launch. Now I'm jaded and am reluctant to trust this franchise.
However returning back to a modern setting is the right move…
I'd wager the cost of licensing many of the top tier video game titles would have been too prohibitive. I like the concept but it's my only explanation for many the titles they chose.