I would say Don't forget about NeverWinternights on Aol. its might not have been a true mmo but it was a great multiplayer DnD game in its time. I still miss this game from time to time. Playing this game was someting like 3.50 per hr as thats wha…
Wow i have not seen an Astral Dragons Guildie in a Long time. one of the reasons i played Ac so long was because of our guild the astral dragons. the community was the best i have ever experanced in any game. I miss that family feeling. I Think…
well thats kind of an open question, what i consider great. well great i probally won't see in my lifetime, it would be holographic, bloody dark gory and wicked evil. but what I expect of next gen games is probally something close to unreal2 graph…
ok ok , your not trolling, the 2nd comment makes much more sense. yes those are the shots i was looking at. subpar as in future mmo as in nearing its release date. these graphics are good/great for 1yr maybe 2yrs ago, but for the now and 1yr 2yr …
I am not asking for uber, just better. with todays engines you can have feature customization so its playable on say 1.8ghz with a older say 2yr old card thats playable and still looks like the screenshots and those that have the 5ghz and next gen …
The best endgame I would say comes from not having and end game or one 2-3+ years away after chacter creation.
I must point back to when Asherons call started, the level cap was lvl 128 now they had no content for the high end players as it would …
Originally posted by Kurir
Also I wonder about your 0.0 experience, were you in a corp? but more importantly an alliance? My alliance stakes out 0.0 territory like most alliances do, enter uninvited and good luck to you. Now if I travel outside …
I would suggest the 14day free trial, i do it every so often to see how the game has improved and sometimes even reactivate my account.
They did easy the beginning, you don't have to mine, you can do missions and just kill pirates and more missions…
yeah ac used to be my fav mmo, and still would be, before they changed the spell dynamics. even with split i still enjoyed the game. i have went back to ac twice since that change and its just not as fun as it once was.
it is a sad day for the mmo community and wo fans all around. there were only 2 games i looked forward to this year, wo was one and matrix is the other. i love the story and history of warhammer, and to have it in a mmo would have been the best. …
what about people like me. where u found one u really liked example ac1, played for many years also tried playing many others. quit ac to test out many others. ends up going back to ac cuz the others just arn't the same as the first. either not …
ac by far has the best content. it has the most quest of any game out by at least 500% it probally even has far more items and custumability of any game currently out in chactor and items. has one of the best crafting systems i have used. but the…