Originally posted by HyborianHero
No doubt to me, that after the initial tide of interest in the release fades, subscriptions will drop off fast and furious.
thats true for a lot of games, infact i cant think of any game that hasnt had a su…
like its already been said, professional beta testers and funcom staff play in beta. im sure just as most every other game there will be a beta for selected fans, and then eventually for all fans. funcom has been very active with releasing informati…
Originally posted by Kungfubar
First I want to say the game looks great, and it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. But after watching the demo video and how things get implimented from the single player part to the MMO part, has me a little scept…
i'd also like to see the game come out sooner than late. on the flipside there is some quote that i seen from some big gaming guru guy. something like "you can always delay a good game, but a poorly released game is bad forever". something along tho…
it has been confirmed that there will be ffa pvp server with, i think, limited looting rules. i was a huge shadowbane fan as well (carnage server). i havent found a game that has lived up to the pvp style yet. hopefully AoC will change that. perhaps…