are u sure that TFLO has a monthyl fee because i have heard many places that say otherwise. Where did u hear that it has a monthly fee? Did Phantasy star online have a monthly fee other than xbox fee??
any ideas on mmorpgs that just cost money to buy, no monthly fee? also i would hope that the rpg would not be all dark and evil. please email me at with any info. Thanks
i think what keii is tryin to say is that all the rpg games out are all dim and dark and frankly, jsut a little creepy. I think thats fine but every once in a while we need a game to cheer us up. A game to get away fromt the hassles of everyday li…
i heard a very distressing rumor, that TFLO will have a monthly fee added to the xbox live service cost, this was very unerving. I wish to know about the truth of this claim. Please email me at if u have any information. I …