Awesome news! I'm going to set a skill that takes a least week long on Dec 4th. The patch itself is scheduled to be 24 hours and I'm worried about log on or download issues afterwards.
I'm training for 425mm Railgun II atm... Long skills. While I wait, I work 40 hours a week and go to my classes, 16 credits worth. After that I spend time with my wife and play Super Paper Mario. Sometimes on Saturdays I can move my assets around…
If you are all quitting for real, I would like to request your ISK or items please. This a serious request. Send any ISK or contract any items to Keetha please. I've been playing about 6 months now, but I'm just a carebear mission runner and I'm …
LOL I actually laughed. But that was mean. Originally posted by DrinkMilk
I saw someone called "Imakeuninterestingforumtopics".....Oh sorry that was you...