I played FFXI, to some its considered "hardcore". The only thing that is non hardcore about the game is the leveling experience. I sold my life away to a raid guild. I can honestly say the hard stuff in the game comes after getting to 60. The game …
I have to say this:
The reason everyone says that FFXI is much more challenging is BS. For instance, if you get a static party of friends, you can get a player to 75 rather quickly. The reason the game is hard is because of only being able to par…
As I said before, the leveling in WoW is easy. Its after you reach lvl 60 is when it becomes hard. Not the process of leveling. This is the biggest misconception people have for WoW. When you reach lvl 60, go into Zul'gurrub, or even the Ruins of Ah…
Its not common when I can talk about topics extensively, but this is one I definitly can.
My First MMORPG experience was with Final Fantasy XI. I loved the game and played for nealry a year and a half. I quit. This game in my opinion is not as go…