Originally posted by Ozmodan
... Constantly retaking cities and forts I took yesterday gets old fast and that is all there is to do in War. ...
LOL, reminds me of the Russians and Germans in Stalingrad, WWII. Just think how much it must …
I was playing AoC, but I was soloing the whole darn thing. I wanted that interaction that made an mmo fun, but the game didn't lend itself to that very well. I see this a being a trend. I was considering getting Warhammer Online (and I may) but I ha…
My response to the people that said move on to a differant game if you don't like it. I did. Eve is to complex, too boring, and combat consist of picking targets and letting the ship's computer fire monotonously (no twitch effect). Also, missions w…
I got the free 8hr trial on Friday and upgraded to full membership on Sunday of this last weekend. I really like the game and players were very nice and helped a lot. I don't know how many active players there are now, but I was able to chat and if …
I think you might enjoy Guild Wars. The game was really designed with PvP in mind. It is imho the best for that, by far. It is however, fantasy, not sci-fi.