Did you just post that on purpose? DID YOU?.... I swear... some people...
look, I'll quote it for you: "
(oh and.... don't give me that "1 pl4y 0 h0urs a d4y b3c4us3 t3h FFXI $$uXX0rz"- thing. I allready know some of you think that... and that's…
When you enter the game, you get a message: "Welcome to *server name*". with *server name* being the name of your server (lol).
At least, that'sa how I found out
Respect to Psycosis for that brilliant post! . Look... they're all quiet suddenly, not knowing what to say anymore . (no pun intended)
Just one flame topic is enough for this forum... to stick with the metaphore: Let us finish our meal without let…
I live in the Netherlands. Some shop in the neighbourhood had imported FFXI, and since I was about to import it anyway, I bought it. Since I'm a minor I had to convinve my dad it was safe to use his creditcard for this... adn he did . The registrati…