eq2 was real fun at the start, but then it just got so boring you had to grind forever and there were crap all alternates. sure you can go grind mobs. or u can grind at a forge. but its still grinding.
Originally posted by Mars505
make a new title " litter box" it is fitting cause most games that claim litter box are pretty much shit.
hahahahahha lmao!!
we just need to make some ownage game that all these immature dumb-@$$3$ cant figure out how to play :P like some really complicated login or something
ok im 16, so you would count me as a child. but i think that is actually a great idea. because i hate the immaturity of the kids too hehe :P i just want to play -- not be screwed around by some little 13y-old like honestly -- who pays $20 a month (A…