Sorry few days late to respond just saw this but, I would say go buy the 40 dollar package which has both expansions and the classic game and reroll. The achievment points make a big differnce and you want to get them as soon as possible after lvl 1…
Damn and to think I thought I was leveling too quick with my combat exp off. I swear between discorery and quest turn in exp I seem to be lvling alot faster then Planed. I'm 45 and only have 56 aa and stupid quests keep giving me lvls.
It's click to move, hack and slash and find loot game. It's pretty much d2 all you do is kill stuff, lvl, find gear and keep killing more stuff. I have alot of fun playing it but, if your expecting a full game like wow you'll be dissapointed. The …
Yeah it seems worth paying for mainly because, it's only 5 bucks. Who really cares about paying 5 bucks when it unlocks a bunch of crap? It's not like we're talking about some huge sum of money.
Originally posted by nosbusch2005
I would like an invite to play. Email is
Thanks in advance
Should be sent and Thanks alot zaphyr for sending me an invite.
I could use an invite also my email is I would be greatful and will send out the invites I get asap.
Thanks in advance to anyone who is nice and sends me an invite.