Originally posted by Mr.Knowitall
Ok I thought it was obvious... but then I should have expected that a citizen of the only country ever to use a nuclear weapon against another nation would immediately think of pushing the button again. Naieve of…
this is good news. I dont understand why they didnt go straight to 40k originally, it is much more interesting than the cliched hack of fantasy that warhammer is.
Yeah VG has its problems, thought i said that..oh yeah..i DID. I dont even think VG is that great, but the open world concept is definitely one that should stick...I didnt realize Tolkien created a world with neatly segmented little areas.
Yeah VG has its problems, but then again, its non-zoned and non-instanced. There are no convenient mountains surrounding every piece of every area to perfectly seperate them.
Well, i cant say why anyone else picked up WoW, but I can say why I did, even though i ended up not liking it.
Simply, it is because I trust blizzard. I do them the service of buying every game they make because I have liked virtually all of them. …