I wouldn't think AoC would even want to rival WoW to be perfectly honest, You could only hope that the age level and more importantly the maturity level of AoC would be MUCH greater than WoW, and that in my honest opinion would make it a better game…
This is definately a more and more common theme. I too have recently canceled my WoW account due to many differant factors. The game for me got old far too fast, leveling was far too easy, I played on a PvP server (and PvP went from Okay to not wort…
Honestly, I could care less who is in charge of this game when it comes right down to it. What I do care about is this. I followed this game for years, I fell in love with the idea of a game that wasn't so easy you could solo and / or walk through i…
For a game that is already seriously hurting for available customers, I find this post rather amusing (not amusing for the person who got banned, I feel for you bud, I really do) I find it amusing that SOE is going to ban people for minimal, if any …
I am going to agree that the skill level in World of Warcraft is rather lacking. You will find that unless you plan on playing into the higher raiding levels you will be soloing for the most part until your mid to high 50s (with of course the except…
I love you guys... that being said, the 2 posts above mine sum it up rather well. This expansion felt like Blizzard exploiting their fan base by charging FAR too much for an expansion that should have been released at least a year 1/2 ago and has ve…