ye im considering going back to war3 for a few months, that game has never let me down really tbh, or i might try BF2142 on my new pc when i get that on friday.... kinda sux though, because the summer is coming up and ill have 3months of doing nothi…
well as i mentioned in the original post i used to play GW a bit but although it has great pvp the PvE in it is extremely lacking imo... and once u reach lvl20 the only thing to do really is pvp... only tried the prophecies campaign but tbh that gam…
nice felt it was about time i had a major upgrade, currently using:
sempron 3gb XP
nvidia 6600fx
1gig ram
512ram mboard
not that it runs games BADLY but i often have to lower my settings or resolution cus my frames drop so its gona b…