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  • I was really really afraid this would happen, when I first heard that Funcom were to develop a Conan MMO I thought to myself "holy sh1t, that game will suck" Based on the screwup called Anarchy-Online. But after viewing some screens and video it loo…
  • TTT.. is this vaporware or not? they've had so many years to finish this now, and the game is really falling behind graphically, I know graphics isn't everything, but damn.. the game have been a no-show for ages! My money is on vapor... poof!
  • Nuff said.
  • Originally posted by tmike22 If you haven't already, go to the hype-meter and give this game some good hype. If it gets on the top 5 hyped upcoming games on the front page of mmorpg.com, then more people will find out about it and the game will have…
  • 36hours to E3... Hope they'll be there.
  • Speaking of Cernobyl, It's amazing how fast the environment is regenerating itself (still completely unhabitable for humans, tho it is rumored that there are several runaway convicts and criminals from Belorussia habitating the area). Radiation le…
  • Originally posted by sinoth What you say about niche games is also true... they will never make as much money as a mainstream game.  But is that really the goal of every developer? I'd hate to break your bubble, but every single developer out t…
  • Oh, love the screenie with the chick with the sawed-off  shotgun... FE is improving with every new screenshot!
  • Nice ideas, but that is way too much to implement and it probably won't happen in this game. But you never know..
    in Sniping Comment by ordeith April 2006
  • Originally posted by Clive in what other MMO can you wear a cowboy hat or a gasmask? the best par is that you can wear a hat AND a gasmask!
  • Indina Jones post-apoc..  Finger on trigger, ready for action... Nice looking pic. And about "Wacky clothes"? whadayamean? It's not like there is a vouge magasine to let everyone know what's in fashion this season... and I bet you will wear stuff th…
  • Been here all along. And sooo ready for this game. Got one foot on 'vaporware' and one on 'beta fall -06'... Prove me wrong Icarus!
  • Originally posted by GrimCreep And the wait continues..............................Porn is the only thing that numbs the pain.    Porn? nope.. I subscribe a sixpack of nuka-cola and weekly visits at http://www.nma-fallout.com/ Your post nuclea…
  • Originally posted by Kohrath When we already are talking about screens. Check out this picture of a couple of CHOTA Warrior NPCs. Still work on progress, but they look quite nice http://www.fallenearth.se/images/art/1142670517.jpg The dartboar…
  • Very nice... I especially liked the walking man when the prodigy song started.
  • gah, sorry bout that. I didn't care to search since there are not that many posts/threads in this forum.. but still I managed to miss it. =/
  • Wow, These teasers are killing me... That welding mask... and the exploited shirt.. and the baclava.. and the gasmasks... and the... oh.. I can't stop... give me retail and I'll resign from my job to be able to play 24/7! *bounces up & down*
  • If the game will be as good asI hope it will be, I wouldn't mind 20/month... If the game gets me motivated I'll stick around for years!
  • 64? bah! I had a c128DD with the internal 5,25" floppydrive! *boasts*
  • Hopefully vehicles with their big inventories will play a major part in hauling items from place to place. If you and your fellas find some abandoned bunker with lots of loot, it would make sense to haul it back to the surface and to your waiting ca…