Originally posted by Abrahmm
Originally posted by noblot
After reading a lot of post sabout WAR, it occurred to me that much of the comparision of new MMOs is in relations to MMOs that have had years to develope and improve,
Unlike other comput…
Originally posted by SteelCrusade
.... the dude only has like 1½ hour left till he disqualified
has there been many contests where lots of people get disqualified??
That's the wierd thing, for contests for things that are worth some moneytary v…
Originally posted by Oxmond
lol skoll just got burned lol
Yes, yes he did.
And Precutwrists I completely agree with your comment...Hunter, psh ^_^.
But yeah, OP is an idiot/moron/should-have-son-taken-away and ontop of that he has horrible…
Originally posted by healz4u
I am sure people love the community in WoW, but it is just not for ME. I need something more advance, sophisticated, different graphics.
Haha! I'm not laughing at you, but at your comment . Sure there are a lot of g…
Originally posted by Empyre
who won the last computer give away??
Someone posted earlier in this thread if you would look back <_<
It was Dracis though (spelling might be wrong)
Originally posted by Merxie
I'm one of the people that just visit several times a day but never post =P
I usually don't win stuff either, but hey, never pass up a chance
Yeah, even though the chances to win are so small, it's still worth the sh…
Originally posted by Tonaraz
*stops hitting refresh on contest page* *sobs*
*Doesn't stop hitting refresh* =(
Man, I really know how everyone feels. We're all hoping so badly to win, most of us really need it, bad. We all know we have (almos…
Originally posted by Cryraxz
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo arrrrrrrggghhhh i wont be able to sleep tonight...arrrrrrgggghhhhhh lol
Whoever does win will be so lucky <_<
Yeah a Redwall MMO would be really cool. Although I doubt it will happen. Probably because the idea of the animals will kind of make it kiddy, so the more 'mature' players wont want to play it, inless they have read the books, and were/are a fan of …
You can play the beta. Preordering was just to play from april 1-6, without preordering, you had to wait till the 6th. Also if you preo…
Originally posted by bluecb
I'm not complaining, it's better than my computer and it's free. i hope i win it.
True that, much better then mine .
Really need a new computer, since i'm a hard core gamer, but my computer is bad, and I dont have …