My list:
1. Fun
2. Community
3. Service ( this includes ongoing development and world events for me; a static world is boring )
4. Role-Playing
5. Graphics (functional clean graphics are more important to me than eye-candy)
6. Perfor…
I would really love to see perma death in a MMO.
However there will always be problems with death due to lag or similiar issues.
So we need a good resurrect mechanism. It should be possible to resurrect your char within the next x hours. So if y…
I would love to see a MMORPG with the following features:
-There is no level/skill cap. I simply dont have any fun once im skilled on max.
-Quests should make sense. Why rescue NPC Mr X, if thousand of players have rescued him yesterday ? World…
Im on Arindal as well and im happy with the rp in it. There are some interesting concepts for rplers (e.g. bards). The language might be a problem for the english speaking folks though.
I think roleplay can usually found on the small non-mainstream mmorpgs. Even if the big sellers like WOW offer 'RP Servers' , there is rarely any RPing. But i still hope one day we will see a big title with a focus on gameplay and Roleplaying.
Im a PVE fan. For me PVP can be rather frustrating if you dont have the top level/ top equipement chars . I like the social and friendly aspect in MMORPGs. And if the game is open end(no lvl/skill caps) and offers new content regulary, i really love…