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  • Originally posted by Cryptor 3. When questing do the quests still get above your level and you must switch zones to continue? (Like I remember around 15 or so all quests were too high for me to complete) That question does not make sense to me t…
  • Good luck with making the MMO.   So like what is it gonna be all about?  I know you kinda said it's martians and humans and like halo but can you let us know anymore about it?
  • Alright, what's your name in-game?  My main is Ryanstar which I usually play but today I will probably be on my alt, Agrimin.
  • If either of you need a kinship feel free to hit me up and I can hook you guys up.
  • I also came from WAR and after a few months I just gave up on it. It was nothing like it was expected to be. It was the first MMO I have ever played where I just couldn't level, I found no fun in trying to level. I was stuck at level 24 for about…
  • For a server I suggest Brandywine since it is the highest population server so you will easily find groups.  Landroval is also good and it's the Unofficial RP server.   If you come to Brandywine and need any help feel free to hit me up, my name …
  • Originally posted by nooffal Thanks for the info. I have the original game from launch, just not the Expac. Another question which came to mind, how are the RP servers on LOTRO? What is the highest pop/most active one? It's been a long time since…
  • Originally posted by nooffal Thanks for the info everyone! I may indeed look you up on brandywine. Having lots of friendly people to play with is definitely important to me! I have two more questions, if you guys don't mind:   1) Can you use the …
  • I also bought the game at release and put it down after a month.  I didn't have time back at that time to play.  I came back about 2 weeks ago and can't believe how good this game is.  I was recently play WAR but the game was just boring and unplaya…
  • I did the 14 day free trial not to long ago and was amazed at how may people were still playing.  I was expecting to type /marketplace and see no one, but there was a good 15 people plus a few buff bots on the server I was on.   Depending on the ser…