Haladar, while you may disagree with my choice to use the word responsibility, you did understand my point. I believe accountability may of been better to use looking back over my post. However to me responsibility and accountability have always be…
The truth is we here in the United States have become a nation of people who don't wish to take responsiblity for our actions. We seek to blame others for our inappropreate behavior when we receive the results from it. We expect our government to ra…
Originally posted by Serien
Originally posted by dekron
How much do you want to bet that some group, member of congress, senator, etc. is going to try and pin this on kids playing video games again. They will see some clip in a video game that…
Been beta testing mmorpgs for over 2 years now. None have I looked forward to more that this game. It seems to have an edge that is different from most mmorpgs, I have applied for their beta a while back when the game was still in alpha testing. Hav…