Yeh, I was really into Everquest 2 until I saw the Min. Specification. But i saw a thing on On The Spot on Gamespot about WoW and it showed in-game footage, and I thought wow, WoW, it looks good!
Anyways, going out today, might see if I can pick s…
OK, so i'm definatly gonna need a new graphics card. Now the question is, which one? I'm not looking for something thats gonna blow a hole in my wallet, just something that'll get the job done, with decent results. Preferably an ATI card as I know w…
Haha, i don't play modern games on this "antique." So, as christmas is coming and i requested a new graphics card, would that be enuff to let me play?? If not I could always just jam in a new processor and graphics card (I've realised I've been savi…
Thanks, it's a real gaming rig!
A new PC might be on the way since the PSU practically exploded last week and somehow the CD Drive managed to shatter a disk have way though playing it. I'm thinkin P4 2.8GHz, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD, Radeon 9800 Pro 128…