Originally posted by Zoraxe
Originally posted by drgumby13
You can only sail one ship at a time. But you are allowed to have other ships stowed away in a a vault/bank/bag/port..where ever u can store a extra ship(Not sure what the game is callin…
Ive been playing for 2and1/2 yrs roughly and some people have already added some good points...
If you particularly like the look of one race then yea consider that race - but i would also recomend looking on the net to determine for yourself whic…
Ok damn - there are so many moaning plonkers on this thread.
At the end of the day "Try it before you buy it"
If you dont like it, give an opinion not a statement.
If you do like it sweet, still give an opnion and comprimise.
If niether of t…
Have to agree here,
I had been playing WoW for just over 2 and a half yrs, got good at playing my class, but many of the guilds i was in required certain mods to be in it and thought people were stupid for not having them. To be honest a lot of tm…
Totally agree there Koranuso,
My g/f is just learning how to be a draenei tank, she has nice hear and will have until she is 60-70. She is fury specced at the mo - lvl 45ish and duel wielding. We went in Uldaman last night me with my 50 Priest and…