Seriously, this whole wow vs aoc thing is getting tiresome.
AoC did not and will not ever topple wow, even come close to a fraction of what wow achieved.
To this end you gonna just have to take a deep breath and let this one go.... I know i…
I'm in pretty much the same position. Awaiting AoC and need something to keep me busy for a few months. I have also already played out WoW and got bored of it.
Currently Playing some EVE Online but your right, its very slow to get anywhere and …
I'm Waiting to get on the EU server too. Its annoying that we're going to have to wait another 3days for our release...hopefully my copy from Game will arrive early (Its being prepared for packing!) ...but if they put up this server, like the US c…
shame about the language, looks a nice game,
o and please STOP SAYING things like 'I hope this game comes out in american' You just speak ENGLISH! Its just English with some stupid spellings, so its still English! Ok?