Originally posted by Wickersham
Don't believe people when they say AFKers were poison to the game. On my server it was a common practice to deal with entertainers who were at the keyboard before you turned to a buff bot. This was done because you…
Originally posted by Linna
Uhm... the hologrind ended around May 2004, when the new jedi system came, with the vilage. The CU happened in May 2005. After they had left, the cantinas were pretty much back to normal. Coronet had some 40-50 ents…
It worked, quite well I might add, which I bet surprised quite a few people.
I was a master musician from pretty much server opening on gorath. My family and I started up a band to begin with, and had loads of fun. As they left for various reasons…
Originally posted by zipit
Also makes me think of the LFG system in other MMOs. If you put together a party in WoW for example, you do it because you need them for a mission/quest. You use them or they use you as a tool and when it's fi…
Awesome thread. Brings back a lot of memories.
I was always a musician. My friends and I started a band... on talus. Well, we didnt know Talus wasnt a busy place, but we all started there got together and played for the people that came in. We act…
Originally posted by Fuhyo
I guess what you don't realize is that the reason why they did the NGE was because they couldn't fix the Pre-CU game. They would fix one thing and it would cause other things to break. They couldn't add new things …
Short of SOE trashing the servers or LA pulling the license and not allowing the game to function there would still be a SWG today. There are a lot of players that would jump on a Pre-CU SWG game being released again.
There is no MMO out there rig…
I would drop everything I am playing right now for a Pre-CU working world. It had its bugs and such but nothing has compared to it since.
I wouldnt go back to SWG as it is now because its not what it was. What good would it do me to want to play S…
The game might be the greatest ever. I will never know. It was great pre CU and SOE really messed it up. Why would i want to return or say good things about such a game? Whats to stop SOE from ruining the game again?
No matter what SOE will always…
First mistake was for sure releasing too soon.
Mistakes afterwards included Jedi, allowing afk macroing, hologrind, player cities before fixing the game as it was.
The biggest thing SWG started out as was a sandbox universe. I dont think the…
Wow, 4 years ago.
I started playing with 3 friends. We did our things starting new characters on some server i dont even remember the name of. We were in bestine fighting the little creatures just outside of town. Few days later we were fighting t…