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  • Man I'm getting so tired of all these threads saying the game is gonna suck becaues of this or that or its not like waht i did before so it's gonna suck or whatever. So instead of making some big post argueing against you i'm just gonna say yeah y…
  • Yes that is true but they don't design there game for the people that will quit in the 1st week or so they design it for the people who will like it and stay with it and when they make statements about the length of the content in game it is intend …
  • Originally posted by deaddeath Originally posted by FarScape I think they are talking yearly. cause i remember reading an artical saying most avagers MMO players play 1000 hours a year or some thing like that. No, they were specifically talk…
  • Yeah 900 hours doesn't sound like alll that much to me i plan to play allot more then that if its as good as it looks to be.
  • Of course they will ha ve xpacs and they will be able to launch them for the PC and xbox 360.  I mean come on think for a second they even had an xpac for halo 2 which had more maps and what not for the PvP so why couldn't they do similar things for…
  • WAR it very much a clone of all the other MMOs out there it just follows the tradtional mode with out trying to be new in anyway I was very into WAR till i started seeing vids and screen shots and while the character art looks a little more advanced…