I agree. I pay for a vision in some cases, rather then a game. EVE being a fine exemple. At release it wasnt all that, but you had to be daft no to see the potential there. In order for CCP to get to that potential I gladly paid subscription. And in…
EVE is the game you are looking for.
While sandboxgames and "illusion of sandboxgames" might not be the most populare type off online games, CCP with its EVE has clearly showed that you can do real well with a hardcore niched game (ie sandbox and …
Yes Kordesh, I do know its a rather futile thing to do, but after spending so much time and hope on a game, whishing it to be all it could be, and then watch it turn and becomeing something else...Well, it wouldnt feel right to just stand aside watc…
Well, I cant speak for the general public in any way, but I can tell you why I care...
Had me eyes on Vanugard for a looong time, looking for a game that was hard, and I mean REALLY hard and unforgiving, so that i would feel I acctually acomplised…
Originally posted by Necrosado
Originally posted by Glam.Indie
omfg.. the characters are running like they're having pain in their back. the fighting is sh*t, too. everytime the same moves. again and again. I tryed all characters .. they're …