Great to be back playing with these folks. Strong core of folks driving the raiding into Legion. We have daily guild activities. Mythics, old content, invasions, you name it and we will try to schedule it.
Folks helped me finish up a few old quests…
Howdy folks.
Also wanted to note we are looking for more folks from the APAC zones to join us. We have a few currently and they would love to have a few more bodies to run with.
Still learning and adjusting our tactics and choices of planets, but our first dedicated conquest went well. We placed a respectable third behind two massive guilds. Not bad for a small band of friends.
We have had a lot of applications coming in a…
Starting to schedule in conquest events once a month or so with the intent of chasing the top spot on planets.
Operations are starting to take shape. We will likely be playing around in the 55 ops to just get a feel for mechanics and experience so…
Been a bit since the last update. We rolled out our guild flagship over the Rakghoul event and managed to place on our first week at it. We will be planning to involve ourselves in conquest events once or twice a month to counter the burnout. We hav…
Feel free to stop over with an alt and see how it is. Get up to 15 and we can bomb around with some KDY fun or hit some starfighter matches.
Guild stronghold went live on the weekend and it is looking amazing thanks to some awesome teamwork and gen…
Starting to see some new faces. If you are looking for a solid community which puts community before conquests, we are it. Solid and knowledgable players and excellent fellowship await you in our ranks!
About SOLA
Solid community of folks behind this one. We have a relatively small crew in SWTOR presently, but we have chapters spanning several major MMOs. For those who love being part of something bigger than just the game they are playing this…
Great bunch to play alongside. Community and fellowship at it's best. We are constantly having a great showing on Mumble and a number of us are in Alpha. The first beta weekend it was insane how many people were online from our guild.
If you are lo…
Always looking for more members to join a great community. We are active in several other games as well, so if Wildstar wears on your or you want to change it up, we likely have members active, if not a full chapter present, in other games.
Ran a few adventures last night with the crew on my slow-leveling Spellslinger. Good times and easy runs! We have started a circle on Orias for getting folks together to run things both inside and outside the guild.