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  •  maybe he meant 2K games, but it's published by Majesco...
  • I hope it uses the first Crytek engine, if so, I wouldn't worry about the PC specs, just play FarCry to know what I mean... BUT if it uses the Crytek 2... well... it will definitevly make your PC (and wallet) cry...
  • I don't like the expansions on MMOs, because, almost always they're more expensive than the original game itself (I'm looking at you, WoW). With games like Guild Wars, it's completely acceptable, It even makes sense, but $39?? Take WoW for examp…
  • Originally posted by Dreadlich   Originally posted by nomolas   Originally posted by goneglockin The carebear gamer only amounts to a majority of anything in MMO land which they have completely hijacked for themselves.  All the biggest game…
  • Originally posted by goneglockin The carebear gamer only amounts to a majority of anything in MMO land which they have completely hijacked for themselves.  All the biggest games are PvP in one form or another.  Between FPS gamers and RTS gamers a…
  • Stop whining, go eat a cake, drink some beer and start playing EVE... if it's not your kind of "engaging", revolutionary game that's not WoWified in any ways, then start playing Oblivion...
  •   Originally posted by Alienovrlord I expect better thought out articles from MMORPG.COM.  This one was completely clueless. The article itself states that atmosphere is critical for horror.  This will NEVER be possible in a MMO game.  Heerobya…
  • Well, I agree that groups can empower the players to do stupid things and the "scary, horror" factor is completely gone, for example, Doom 3, I know it's not an MMO, but it's scary as hell (literally ), BUT, then I tried a mod for the game that the …
  • Dude, it's never too late, also, are you sure you're not a movie-game writer, because all those suggestions are so freakin' awesome!!! I would add something like a Sanity metter, much like in Eternal Darkness, it has soo much potential, in that ga…